Friday, July 4, 2008

The Youngest One In Curls...Cindy Brady Loses It!

This morning Susan Olsen, who played Cindy Brady in the 70's TV Series The Brady Bunch, stopped by the radio station for an interview. I came in early so I could shoot video of her in the studio. I actually met her about 10 years ago and she was so nice, I figured it would be fun to get some video, what I didn't figure was that she would come in hung over and smelling like she stepped out of a vodka bottle, or took a bath with it! Needless to say this video is sure to be a classic and a must see.. BTW, that's her 12 year old son in the video too. He makes some interesting comments as well.
Oh, and here's the cool part TMZ loved the video and so did all the Denver TV stations. It was fun to watch TMZ tonite and see the video on there:) The local CBS affiliate also gave it to CNN, so I have a feeling this is gonna get even bigger. OK, now let's sing it together....Here's a story of a lovely lady, living with 3 girls of her own, all of them had hair of gold like their mother...the youngest one who hurls!
Love to hear your comments on this one:)


Roberta Mann said...

Oh c'mon, Rich, who doesn't go on the radio and explain with their kid standing next to them how they're about to puke because they got so wasted the night before? Haven't we ALL been there? Oh wait, I haven't. Did I miss all the "fun?" I feel robbed. Not.

Anonymous said...

You guys have some 'interesting' stories right there in your own booth/studio. Radio people are never sqeaky clean. Let's shake the carpet a bit, shall we?

Roberta Mann said...

Ooooh! An ominous comment from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. DO tell.

Anonymous said...

The youngest one who hurls"" LMAO

Anonymous said...

Hey thought you would want to know just saw your video on CNN too.

Rich Stevens said...

It's on FOX TV News today and its their TOP VIDEO on their website!